Barbara Mullarney-Wright
I work mainly in oils; the quality of pigment and material being so seductive I'm beguiled by the sensuousness of it. I tend to paint from the world as I see it allowing the accidental to become central. Colour, light and form are my subjects, and the ordinary is my excitement. I have heroes; Bonnard, Matisse, Braque, the German Expressionists and many more. I am fascinated with the individual "voice" when a language of imagery and its communication is well "spoken". I am not one who believes painting is dead.
Born in the Dublin mountains, bohemian parents, big family, lots of painting and experimenting as a child. Worked part-time and holidays in the best art shop in Born in the Dublin mountains, bohemian parents, big family, lots of painting and experimenting as a child. Worked part-time and holidays in the best art shop in Dublin, Kennedy's, (great experience), saw a picture of David Hockney wearing a gold jacket, to match his gold medal from the Royal College of Art, and determined to get there one way or another. Did so via scholarships, awards and studies in Ireland, America, (New York and Washington) and London.
Had to earn a living on leaving the RCA so did well as a textile designer, teacher and consultant, and then moved into Illustration for magazines and books, etc, but painting and drawing were always my chief activities.